Get-Out-Of-Hell-Free Card

Romans 8:1-17 NKJV – Free from Indwelling Sin

Rom 8:13-14

“For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” NKJV

Well we are coming out of ‘Lockdown’ and it is lovely to see the children heading to school in the morning and back again at night, keen to see each other but of course the down side of cars parked on the pavement and being unable to traverse Freshfield Road at school times, but summer is around the corner and possibly holidays and a lot more freedom, but how are we using the freedom that we have at present.

For many of us we have not had so much free time and yet we are too busy to complete all that we plan to do. We have phone calls to make and receive, text messages continually ‘pinging’ and social distancing shopping to do and now the garden is needing attention again. I really value that time in early morning when I can get down to God’s Word and talk to Him without interruption, it has been a real blessing. And of course we have said that we will watch ‘on-line’ teachings yet these are interrupted and probably forgotten as soon as we have finished. There is never enough time.

It has been said ‘that when people give their lives to Christ simply because they are looking for a get-out-of-hell-free card or because they want Jesus to “join” them on their journey through life, there is often little or no evidence of change. Why? Because they haven’t yet repented………..they have simply added a bit of Jesus’ to their lives.’

We are in a battle and the world will do it’s best to mould us into their way and not Christ’s. You can have your bit of religion as long as it doesn’t upset us! Unfortunately, if it is real then that is exactly what Christ wants us to do – in His way, not ours, just as He showed us 2000 years ago. And we will have to pay the price for it just as He did. But He didn’t leave us to do this on our own as He knows that then we would fail. He told his disciples to wait till the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell and empowered them and if we try to do things without the power of the Holy Spirit present in our lives, then we will fail miserably and fail our Saviour also bringing the gospel into disrepute.

Romans 8 is like a check list to see where we are with God. Are we just paying lip service? Or are we walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Are we feeling condemned by the world or liberated by God’s Word? We need to take bold steps of faith when the Holy Spirit prompts us, but then thanking Him for that faith we need to continue step by step. Too often we are like Peter who stepped out of the boat and then looked at his circumstances and started drowning. Are we like that and afraid to be bold again? I urge you to take stock of your Christian walk. If you are truly saved then do not doubt it but step boldly in Christs footsteps, if you are faltering, then ask for His forgiveness and recommit your life in obedience to His Word, giving thanks for all that He has done for you.

Matthew 7 21 says;

 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” NKJV

This concerns me, particularly in these perilous times when Christ could return at any moment to claim his Church. The rapture will be a wonderful time for those who are truly saved, but will the rest of the world notice it? Would you die for Christ or do you just want Him to make your life a lot better for now? Have you chosen the narrow pathway or is it the broad one leading to destruction?  (Matt 7:13,14)



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“‘How great you are, Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.” — 2 Samuel 7:22 Listen to chapter . Powered by

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